Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Am I Blue...? And Gold.

Blue Cup Gold Bird
The very first of many sky-blue treasures in my life/home; an old ceramic double-
handled cup/saucer, bought on my 27th birthday, at the Clignancourt flea market when 
I was living in Paris, meets the latest of my golden birds; a tiny pillbox with a tiny magnet and pill-tongs on the inside, recently bought for $10 at an antique mall in Arroyo Grande, CA. When you love everything you bring inside your home, 
it all goes together beautifully. 

Devoting my life to beauty, one treasure at a time... Miss Absinthe

Friday, October 10, 2014

Spooky Old Man Sweater

My love of vintage mens wool cardigans goes back to my very first vintage clothing buy. It was oversized, dark olive-green and worn almost every day of my senior year of high school. I can't believe I ever let it out of my sight and list its loss under my Fashion Regrets (only regrets worth having). I have, however, loved and worn to this day, a maroon cardigan I got back in New Orleans in 1994. I like to leave it in the car and wear it to keep the sun off me when I drive. Protecting the pale is a full-time job!

When this $1 beige beauty crossed my path a few months back, I grabbed it.
 But it needed something to make it a little more interesting.

Spooky $1 Sweater

 These buttons are the perfect subtle detail and were less than $11 total. 

Button Booty

Spooky and spice and everything nice, that's what little Bohemians are made of.

Boo... Miss Absinthe

Monday, October 6, 2014

Blog Blog Again...

Fully Lit at LACMA
It's been a dry year for my inspiration... I wish I could blame the California drought. Perhaps some sort of sacrifice to the weather gods would do the trick?
However, I have renewed determination and a few groovy ideas, with fingers crossed that a new adventure or two will be on the way. If I blog, the adventures will come?

DVF Blur

Stay tuned mes amis... Miss Absinthe

(Above pics are from the DVF dress exhibit at LACMA earlier in spring. Everything I'm wearing is second-hand: DVF top, $3 DKNY cargo pants, gold Louboutin peep-toe flats, Jack faux fur vest AND a lip-handled purse that I thought would be most appropriate!)

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Merci 2013 et Bienvenue 2014!

2013 was a fairly groovy year!

Looking back, and this year seemed to fly past, 2013 was more about 
BEING than DOING, but there were a few fun flashes of activity, such as…

 Naming my own strain of marijuana, Miss Absinthe Deluxe!

My Finnish fashion interview! Always wear your sunscreen.

 Moving to an apt directly above my old one, acquiring my own closet and a patio in the process! Who knew that moving only 10 feet UP could make such a difference? But the great light and trees I look at from my balcony patio have changed my life for the better beyond measure. Great place for napping!


I made my very first pizza on Christmas and a tradition is born! I will NEVER order pizza again. I based the dough off this recipe, made a sauce with Pomi tomatoes (nothing ever from a can), olive oil, salt/pepper and a chiffonade of fresh basil, and burrata cheese. I can't wait to see how many varieties of pizza I can come up with in 2014.

Mr F and I are working on our first paid commission for a painting! We've collaborated on two of the paintings in our home, and it's always awesome to get paid to do something you love. Here's a little portion of what we're working on, I'll share the final result when it's finished, hopefully by spring.

As for my treasure hunting...

This is 3Pio (get it? wink), a vintage brass clothes valet (I think) that I picked up for $20 at the Rosebowl in December, along with...

This original painting appears to be an art school project, and I think it compelled me to buy it. I just can't explain, but it makes me happy to look at, like everything in our home should. Also $20, I painted on the gold frame, just because.

My very first Vivienne Westwood top for $32 and this Star Wars tshirt I bought for myself on my birthday pretty much sum up who I am… a glamourous geek!

Steve Madden booties on the left, gold Louboutin flats on the right and my lovely 
Audrey Hepburn Ferragamos in the center, all for less than $175. Thank you again, Crossroads Trader!

And what does 2014 have in store…?

I found both volumes of Julia Child's famous French-cooking tome, and movie inspiration on Etsy. Etsy can be pricey, but when I have something specific I'm looking for, I just wait until the right price comes along and it usually does. I got both of these for under $50, considering some people are selling either for over that. I made my first recipe for New Years Day, a cheese soufflé, but I want to tweak something and do it again. I have no inclination to make every recipe, but instead use these recipes as a base to experiment from. Stay tuned!

I am SO lucky and happy that I live 5 minutes from my absolute favorite dish in LA, 
the shrimp and cheese grits at The Hart and The Hunter. It is just divine. Shrimp, mushrooms, smoky bacon and cheese grits with this sauce, that I can't figure out 
what's in it. It's a big bowl of happiness and I'll be spending 2014 eating my little 
southern-food loving heart out.

My very first fashion find of the year happens to be my very first pair of Manolo Blahniks! In like-new condition, and only $42, they were on a shelf where I couldn't see anything but the unusual rust color sticking out. Like a bee drawn to a flower, I grabbed at the colorful shoe only to find my size in an Italian creation that is beyond comfy and beautiful. Not a bad way to start off a stylish year!

Last, but never least

Lucie and Charlie will continue their quest to rule the world with cuteness and lots of napping. Get thee a companion animal and change your life! There are so many AWESOME animals that have no home and nothing but love to offer. So let's make this a year where every animal finds a human to love. Gotta dream big on something.

Darling readers, MERCI for being you. Merci for inspiring me. Merci.

May we all have the best year yet… Miss Absinthe

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Blank Wall Meets Brass Birds

A Flock of Seagulls

Found these brass seagulls on Etsy last week from a lovely vintage vendor,  
UpTown Found. They now grace the once-blank wall in front of my bed, 
greeting me every morning and wishing me Bon Nuit every night. Wonderful.

Happy Treasure Hunting... Miss Absinthe

Friday, August 16, 2013

The Little Things...

Not much happening during these last lazy days of summer.
So while I await life's next grand adventure, I delight in the 
little joys that surround me every day.

Puppy Love

Charlie and Lucie are the sweetest canine couple, providing non-stop love and entertainment. I believe that they are the king and queen of all poochies!

Dried Flower Still Life

These groovy blooms were from my local Melrose Place farmer's market. After lasting 2 weeks, I cut and dried them, saving them for a future still-life arrangement art project I've got formulating in the back of my mind.

Wondering what autumn has in store... Miss Absinthe

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Lucite Meets Leather In WeHo

Lucite Meets Leather

Every year I look forward to the West Hollywood Citywide Garage Sale and this year did not disappoint! I found the Lucite side-table hiding under some hats, just waiting for me to spend $30 on it. I've been looking for YEARS for some Lucite pieces, so this was a SCORE! At the end of the next day, I discovered this antique Egyptian camel saddle for only $10!!! It belonged to the owner's grandparents, who brought it back from a trip over 40 years ago. Amazing how it all goes together in my living room, next to the free chair I got from a neighbor many years ago. 

Living the thrifty and glamourous life... Miss Absinthe