Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Mercury in Retrograde...

Dearest Darlings!!!

I just haven't been able to get my mind into blogging lately... I've got my nose to the writing grindstone as I work on re-writes for a pilot script I've been trying to get off the ground for over two years, and apparently I can't write and chew gum at the same time.

I'm still posting tidbits here and there on Twitter and Facebook.

I plan to get back to this in about two weeks, I'll be done chewing gum by then.

Merci Amis for all your patience, I promise to make it worth your while...

Until next time... Miss Absinthe


Food, she thought. said...

All the best of luck with your pilot.

drollgirl said...

no worries!!! it is hard to get to blogging sometimes. we will wait! and i am wishing you the best with your writing. VERY EXCITING!