Monday, April 15, 2013

Smoking Miss Absinthe

Mary Jane

What's intoxicating, inspiring and smokes like a dream with no hangover...?
Miss Absinthe Deluxe at the Farmacy

I got the honor of naming this sweet legal herb after Mr. F won their monthly raffle, which was naming rights to their newest strain, and he generously gave it to me.

A little history: For the most part of my first 30 years, I suffered from debilitating insomnia, and I tried absolutely everything natural and unnatural in order to live some semblance of a "normal" life, and NOTHING worked; most didn't work while having terrible side-effects that were worse than not sleeping. So when Mr. F suggested I give marijuana a try, I said What the hell, why not? And that night was the first good nights sleep I ever had with absolutely no side-effects or hangover. I got my legal marijuana prescription in 2007 and have been asleep by 11 and up by 7 ever since, giving me (pardon the dramatic language) a new lease on life. Needless to say, I'm a huge advocate for the complete legalization of an herb that has so many medicinal purposes that I have witnessed first-hand, in addition to the positive effect is has had on my life.
Getting my own little strain is just icing on this yummy green cupcake!

Living THE green Bohemian life... Miss Absinthe

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